Thursday, February 07, 2008

Taj Mahal Update.......

I've been working on Taj Mahal (Chatelaine) this week. It's such a nice, easy stitch. I'm approaching the 1/2 way mark. Once I finish this one, I can start Evening In The Park, wahoo! DH has been gone all week so I've just puttered around, reading and stitching.
I'm currently reading Agnes & The Hitman it's light chick literature, full of ribald humor.
After the last few weeks of dreary weather, I decided to treat myself so I scheduled a hair appointment and a pedicure today. It feels so good to pamper yourself. Besides, nothing nicer than comfy warm pj's and my stitching ottoman and seeing those pretty french manicured toes peeking out.
happy stitching.....


bells said...

Taj is looking absolutely stunning Wanda!

Joysze said...

That is looking amazing, Wanda!!