Thursday, October 05, 2006

Special message for 'J'

Death is inevitable - the greatest testamant to a person who has passed on is being remembered in the soul of those who knew her. Through all of lifes ebb and tide, joy and pain the only things that last are memories of those gone before us - they leave their marks in our soul, invisible to others, but so necessary to who we are. This is how life moulds us into the person we are becoming year after year. So, the most loving tribute we can honor someone with is our acceptance that they are always with us and reborn everytime we reach out and touch another human being and leave our mark on their soul. You've been on my mind today with your caring attitude and thoughtfullness - your Grandmother would be so proud of the person you've become. You've left your mark on my soul, invisible to others, but so necessary to the person I am becoming - more caring and thoughtful of others.

Thank you.


Joysze said...

Thank you, Wanda. *hugs* I will cherish it forever.