Wednesday, February 03, 2010

New beginnings.......

are awesome! my bad, I've been neglectful of so many things since this past summer. I quit several groups and activities so focus more time on family and the things I really want to do. Time to reinvent my stitching blog and that means a beautiful new template. It's courtesy of Izzie Grace Blogging Backgrounds; you'll find her button at the bottom of my blog. They are free and she literally have 100's of beautiful backgrounds to choose from.

I've been traveling, stitching and quilting up a storm since last summer. I'll be back with pictures after tweaking my template.....


Branlaadee said...

Welcome back to the blogosphere. :) I am glad you were away adventuring through your life and not having some sort of troubles.

bells said...

I know I'm a little late in saying this (as I've been away from the blogging world for quite some time as well), but I LOVE your new blog design! It's very pretty :)