Monday, February 22, 2010

Finally framed.....

Once Upon A Tree Sampler is finally framed and hanging in the kitchen. This chart was featured in Just Cross-Stitch Magazine in 4 parts during 2009. It was beautiful as charted but I just grabbed from my box of silks and changed all the threads and beads. I love it!

On the exercise front - I'm going. Some days that's just as good as it gets; so I'm proud of myself for getting up and not talking myself out of it, but actually going. Today was TurboKick and while it was a great cardio class, I'm beat!

I think I'll go stitch for a bit and recoup. Have a great Monday!


Karen said...

That is such a pretty design. Love your colors you chose.

bells said...

Framing looks wonderful Wanda!
And good job on the exercise front! I could definitely use some of your motivation :)

bells said...
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